Bambino Bobbin Hair Scrunchie Blog

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Hello,  my name is Annelies and I am going to show you how to make a hair scrunchie (well I am making two at the same time). Firstly we measure out our fabric. I used the measurements shown above which are: 13cm wide by 50cm. After you have measured it you need to cut it out and zig zag the outside edges.

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Fold the fabric in half lengthways making sure you put the good side of the fabric next to the other good side. Then you pin the fabric together leaving about 6cm unpinned at each end.

Next you need to sew from one side of the pins to the other side using a straight stitch. Don’t forget you need to leave both ends open.

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After that you need to turn it the nice way around by turning it inside out. Then you need to pin the open ends together like shown in the picture.

Sew the two ends together where you have pinned, remembering to go forwards and backwards at the beginning and end. If you don’t go forwards and backwards your stitching will come undone in the washing machine.

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Next you need to thread some elastic on a safety pin and push the safety pin through the fabric carefully until you get to the other end. Here’s a picture of me doing it.

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Tie a knot in the elastic, checking it is the right length for you (how long you want it is up to you). Where you are left with the opening you need to tuck the good sides in and pin them together and sew the hole shut as close to the edge as possible. Ta Da! Your finished scrunchie, well done. Love  Annelies xxxx

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